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Using variables

With variables, we can remember values and later refer to them via named references. using variables will make our code easier to read.


In this lesson we’ll cover:

Declare variables

In Go, there are many ways to declare variables:

Assign variables

To assign a new value to a variable, it needs to exist first. You use the assignment operator, =. Here’s an example:

firstName = "Mike"

Data types

There are many data types you can use with Go. They are divided into different categories:

Declare a variable with a type

There are two ways you can declare a variable and give it a type:

String interpolation

Sometimes, you want to be able to write things to the screen and mix different data types doing so. For example, you might want to write, “Customer: Adam has 20$ in his bank account”.

Let’s say then that this information is represented by these two variables:

var (
  customerName = "Adam"
  accountBalance = 20

How can you print out the text above? For this purpose, you can use the Printf() function that takes formatters. The idea is that a formatter is an instruction to what a certain type is. By providing this information to Printf(), it’s able to print the type correctly.

Here’s how you can print the example string from before:

fmt.Printf("Customer %s has %d$ on their bank account", customerName, accountBalance)

Above, the %s represents a string and %d represents a number. By using these formatters as placeholders, the variables are correctly implemented, and the output becomes:

Customer Adam has 20$ on their bank account

Assignment - define some variables and print them out

Define some variables you might need for the card game Texas Holdem and print them out.

Create a file main.go and give it the following content:

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main () {
  1. Add the following variables after the import section:

    var (
      players = 3
      replay = false
      namePlayerOne = "chris"

    Now you have:

    • players, to represent the number of players in the game.
    • replay, a boolean stating whether to start a new game session when the old one has ended.
    • namePlayerOne, a string representing the name of the first player.

    All of these variables help describe essential information in a Texas Holdem game.

    Next, let’s run our app to make sure it works.

  2. Add the following code to the main() function to print out the variables:

  3. Run go run main.go in the terminal:

    go run main.go

    You should see the following output:


    Great, you now have a starting point for an app you can keep building on.

🚀 Challenge

See if you can come up with more variables to represent the state in a Texas Holdem card game, like for example, other players, the card deck etc. What data type would you give those variables?

Review & Self Study

Have a look at this official tutorial on variables using a Go sandbox


package main

import "fmt"

var (
  players = 3
  replay = false
  namePlayerOne = "chris" 

func main () {